Supervised Custody Program

Our agency is a private provider that offers Supervised Custody to parents or significant family members through the Courts, Domestic Relations, Children Youth and Family Services who are experiencing difficulties with divorce, abuse or separation. Our services include the following: intake/orientation, supervised visitation, therapeutic visitation, reports for attorneys, parents, and the courts, and parenting/co-parenting classes. We can also provide in-home supervised custody time as well as therapeutic supervised custody time for our cases. Additionally, we offer Reunification Therapy (RT). RT is often recommended through the courts in cases where there has been a lack of contact (i.e. through child welfare involvement, work related absences, incarceration, PFA). Additionally, RT is also recommended after significant life changes such as separation/divorce or incarceration.

Format of RT consists:

  • Intake with each parent separately
  • Individual sessions with both the caregiver and child joint sessions only when and if this is perceived to be safe for the child
  • Treatment focuses on communication and adjusting to life changes and circumstances
  • Our company lawyers also review all court documents

There is a separate fee for our lawyers to review the documents and for written reports as well as court testimonies

Our SV services include:

  • Intake/Orientation - A supervisor will conduct the intake/orientation for the non-custodial parent. At the time of intake/orientation the non-custodial parent will bring the following: Court order or temporary custody orders, automotive valid driver's license and copy of protective order. The non- custodial parent will be given an orientation and complete all the necessary intake paperwork. There is a one-time orientation and Intake Fee.
  • Supervised Custody – This service is generally court ordered and our agency supervises the visit with parent and child solely as a neutral observer. We offer On-site or Off-Site Visitation Monitoring. The on-site monitoring is at our office in a structured and secured office. The off-site monitoring is at various locations within the community such as; playgrounds, restaurants, local parks, and or any other agreed upon site.
  • Therapeutic Custody - This is generally court ordered therapy with parent and child.
  • Reports For Attorneys, Parents, or the Courts - Our service records all supervised visits.

Our facility has easy walking access to a park and restaurants.

Please advise at least 72 hours in advance if you will not be attending a scheduled session. Thank you!

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